Khaled M.Never heard of the guy until he added me on fb. You can bitch bout facebook as long as you want, but it has helped me connecting to lots of good peops. For example Khaled M.

Apart from his dope ass flow, he’s dropping lyrics not only with sense, but global knowledge and nowadays often missing deepness.

Diggin through his Bio, pieces start to come together. His father grew up in Lybia. He was thrown in jail for being a part of a student process, where he expierienced five straight years of brutal, inhumane troture. While facing towards the end of his sentence, public execution, he managed to escape incarceration.

So, politics come with the heritage as his father’s story always followed him. It is no surprise then, that when the movement in northern Africa started shifting, he was already involved in projects ’round it. He dropped a mixtape, along with other members of the “Enough Qaddafi” group (Link) and got involved in Feb is trying to bridge the news blackout, by publishing cell phone videos, people’s stories and educating Lybians on opportunities to get news out of the country in order to let the world know.

He just yesterday dropped a new, impressive video to a track he did with UK underground legend Lowkey. If you absolutely can’t take sad pictures, then download the song on his home page for free. If you can take some, go watch the video. I think we must face from time to time what else is actually going on in this world. Let’s make that Hollywood bubble burst!

I feel like I could write as much as I want on here, but it would never really catch up with who he really is. So go check his shit out, dig through his site and get yourself a picture!

  • Home page: Link
  • Facebook fan page: Link
  • Cool interview bout his involvment in Link

Big ups Khaled! Keep on doin that thing!

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